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  • Carolina Garzon

Sustainable Eating: A Path to Reducing Our Environmental Footprint


Adopting sustainable eating practices can significantly reduce our environmental footprint. This involves being mindful of what we eat, when we eat it, how we store it, and how we dispose of it. Key strategies include reducing food waste, composting, eating more plant-based foods, diversifying our diets, making responsible seafood choices, and educating ourselves and others about the importance of sustainable eating.


The way we produce, consume, and waste food has far-reaching impacts on our planet. From greenhouse gas emissions to water usage and land degradation, our food choices can either contribute to the problem or be part of the solution. Here’s how we can lean towards the latter.

Mindful Consumption and Waste Reduction

Reducing food waste is a critical first step. The FDA’s Food Keeper App offers guidelines on food storage and spoilage, helping to minimize unnecessary waste. When disposal is unavoidable, composting presents a viable alternative, turning waste into valuable soil nutrients. This practice is becoming more accessible, with an increasing number of cities offering community composting services.

The Impact of Our Food Choices

Our diet significantly influences our carbon footprint. Contrary to the popular belief that eating local is the ultimate solution, the type of food we consume has a more substantial impact. For instance, the production of animal-based foods generally results in higher greenhouse gas emissions than plant-based foods. Beef production, for example, emits 60 kilograms of CO2-equivalents per kilogram, whereas peas emit just 1 kilogram.

Embracing Plant-based Diets

Shifting towards a more plant-based diet can dramatically reduce our environmental impact. The livestock industry is a major emitter of greenhouse gases, and with the global meat consumption rising dramatically, rebalancing our diets is essential. Eating a variety of foods is also crucial, as reliance on a limited number of crops and animal species threatens biodiversity and food security.

Sustainable Seafood Choices

With the majority of fish stocks overfished or fished to their maximum sustainable levels, responsible seafood consumption is necessary. Opting for a diverse range of species from well-managed sources and eating lower in the food chain can help mitigate the environmental impact of our seafood choices.

Cutting Down on Food Waste

Food waste is a significant issue, with about 30% of produced food going to waste. This not only has economic repercussions but also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Simple actions like planning purchases, utilizing the freezer, and getting creative with leftovers can significantly reduce food waste in our households.

Innovative Approaches to Food Consumption

Buying "ugly" foods and composting are innovative ways to support sustainable eating. These practices help reduce food waste and promote a more efficient use of resources. Establishing a relationship with local farmers through community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs can also provide access to fresh, sustainable produce.


Sustainable eating is not just about making ethical food choices; it's about contributing to a larger movement towards environmental conservation and climate action. By adopting more mindful eating habits, reducing waste, and supporting sustainable food systems, we can collectively make a significant impact on our planet's health.


Addendum: Sources

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